For number 73, did the 2018 Georgia Half Marathon. It's been two years since I did a half - after doing this one, I remember why it's been so long. They're hard.
I've been battling a knee problem for a few years now and even a few days before this race, I was still on the fence for switching to the 5K instead. Two things helped me decide on doing the half: a new knee brace and an absolute promise to myself that I would do no running during this race.
For once, I was true on the promise - I did no running in the race. It worked. The knee did not bother me outside of the 'normal' pain of doing these distance races. The new knee brace was great! I was very pleased with it.
The best part about the race, pretzels and ice cold chocolate milk at the finish line:
Typically do not snack on these two things together, but after the race, the combination of the salty, sweet, and cold, really hit the spot!
It was so good!!!
Time: 3:01:33
Minutes/mile: 13:52